Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Johnny Got His Gun Blog 4

• Blog – What does Joe believe is worth fighting for? What is not worth it?

Joe believes that your life is worth fighting for. He says that when most men go to war they were told that they are fighting for liberty. However, Joe cannot comprehend this because liberty is not something tangible, he cannot see it. “For Christ sake give us things to fight for we can see and feel and pin down and understand. No more highfalutin words that mean nothing like native land.” (Pg. 113) Joe feels that his reason is right because he considers himself the closest thing to a dead man on earth. He would trade all those meaningless words such as democracy, honor, liberty ect in a heartbeat for his life back. To Joe, there is nothing noble about dying. At the end of chapter X Joe is telling an imaginary person not to go to war based on these thoughts. “If they talk about dying for principles that are bigger than life you say mister you’re a liar. Nothing is bigger than life. There’s nothing noble about death.” (Pg. 119)


The O.G. said...

Good blog Michael. I agree with what you were saying, and I think you're opinions are better supported since you included quotations from the book. I agree that Joe thinks that life is worth fighting for, above all else.

Chris G said...

Very nice blog entry Michael. I agree with you when you wrote that Joe doesn't believe that any factor in a death, especially for 'liberty' is noble. It is ironic to think such a statement but he thinks that he has the right to say such a thing because he is the closest thing to death. It is also important to note that he was drafted, not a volunteer, in the war therefore that could have swayed his perspective in some respect.