Friday, October 24, 2008

The Last American Man Chapter 6

In chapter six the reader learns that Eustace was starting to get tired of running Turtle Island. “Working seven days a week, all hours of the day for a year now.” (Pg. 129) That was a year after establishing Turtle Island; two years after his purchase of Turtle Island “Eustace was starting to burn out.” (Pg. 137) However, as tough as it was running Turtle Island, Eustace still wanted to purchase more land. He wanted to purchase the land surrounding his current property so that the land around him wouldn’t become polluted. He especially wanted the land called the Cabell Gragg Land. He had to work with David Kaplan who had recently bought a piece of land adjacent to Eustace’s and who had built a resort called Heavenly Mountain. Eustace and Kaplan were not exactly friends with each other but when Eustace asked Kaplan to buy the Cabell Gragg Land and then sell it to him, he agreed.

1 comment:

WTBsleepplox said...

Michael i liked how you gave text support more then once on how to describe Eustace's life at the time. And I find it reassuring to find that someone else also used the example of the Cabell Gragg land in there response.